Vickie & Matt – their wedding day – Primavera Regency, NJ
A surprisingly un-Winter-like December 30th helped make Vickie and Matt’s wedding day even more of a pleasure to photograph. They are a genuinely nice couple and it felt good that 2011 would end on such a highlight – photographing their wedding. Vickie and Matt, congratulations! It was a great working with you as your wedding photographer.
to see more, view the album of photos on Facebook
Blonnie Brooks helped me photograph this wedding.
Delaware wedding photographer / Maryland wedding photographer
the wedding experts:
wedding dress by: Demetrios
florist: America’s Florist
band: Fuzzpops
Awesome work as always Neil!
Lovely images Neil. The one of the groom alone was one of my favorites.
Hi Neil,
I am a huge fan of your work and frequently read your great articles, especially the tutorial ones. I especially like all the knowledge you share on flash use and I find you to be a true master of flash. Thank You very much for sharing all the great info and helping us improve our photography.
I have a couple of questions about two of the photos above, all of which are great images! I’d really appreciate answers if you can make the time. The first question is about the third photo from the top, in which the wedding couple are under the gazebo type structure. I can see you backlight them, probably with a flash on the ground. May I ask if you used any lighting or reflector in the front as well? I see the couple is nicely exposed and the bride’s dress has a lot of detail.
My second question is about the fifth photo from the top – the one with the groom and three groomsmen. Is it all ambient exposure or is there any lighting/reflectors used there? It’s the kind of exposure I strive to achieve, but sometimes struggle with.
Thank You in advance for any enlightenment (No pun intended 🙂 ).
Thank You very much for the answers, Neil! Much appreciated.